Merry Christmas

December 24, 2014  •  1 Comment

Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas

This is a time of year that millions of people celebrate Christmas, but what is Christmas?

     We have all added our own traditions, and celebrate it a little differently, but Christmas is a time that the world in general recognizes the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I am certain that December 25th was not the exact day that Jesus was born, that's not a problem to me.  There are several people that do not know their actual birth date, so they pick a day every year to at least acknowledge that they are a year older.  So on December the 25th every year, we choose to remember his birth and we call it Christmas.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. - Luke 2:11

     When I think of the birth of Christ, I also think about what he has done for me.  I think about his blessing on my life, my family, my friends, and my business.  I am so thankful that he has given me all the things that he has, and that makes me want to GIVE.  I love giving, and this time of the year makes me want to give more.  So I give my family gifts.  I might give money, I might give cards, I might give something I have made, but they are all gifts.  Not given out of obligation, or because I expect something in return, but given out of love and thankfulness of the blessings of our Lord. 


So I hope this Christmas, that you have not gotten too busy worrying about decorations, the perfect wrapping paper, the tallest tree, or pictures with Santa, that you have forgotten to remember the birth of Christ.  Today, while in the grocery store, I met several people.  I tried my best to wish every one of them a Merry Christmas.  Some of them just looked at me, some just nodded, and then some replied the same.  But it felt so good!  Then when I got ready to check out, I payed for the groceries of the person in front of me, and it felt so good to be able to do so!  All because I was thinking about how good our Lord has been!  That is what Christmas is about.  So as I spend the next couple of days out of the office and with my family...I wish every one of you a Merry Christmas! God Bless!

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Chris Cloninger(non-registered)
Wonderful family and awesome photography and photographer
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